
Table of contents

  1. Sensor rig
  2. Included topics
  3. Calibration
  4. Coordinate systems

Sensor rig


Our 3D-printed hand-held setup features the following sensors:

All sensors are connected to an ASUS NUC 13 Pro NUC13ANHi7 with dual ethernet network interface card (NIC).

The Sevensense Core Research sensor and the Livox Mid-360 are synchronized with hardware PTP. The two other cameras are USB-connected so time synchronization is only possible at the software level.

Included topics

All of the rosbags in our dataset include the following topics:

Hardware ROS topic Message type Rate (Hz)
Sevensense Core Research /alphasense_driver_ros/cam0/compressed sensor_msgs/CompressedImage 15
  /alphasense_driver_ros/cam1/compressed sensor_msgs/CompressedImage 15
  /alphasense_driver_ros/cam2/compressed sensor_msgs/CompressedImage 15
  /alphasense_driver_ros/cam3/compressed sensor_msgs/CompressedImage 15
  /alphasense_driver_ros/cam4/compressed sensor_msgs/CompressedImage 15
  /alphasense_driver_ros/imu sensor_msgs/Imu 400
Intel Realsense D455F /d455f/color/image_raw/compressed sensor_msgs/CompressedImage 15
  /d455f/depth/color/points sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 15
  /d455f/depth/image_rect_raw/compressedDepth sensor_msgs/CompressedImage 15
  /d455f/imu sensor_msgs/Imu 400
  /d455f/infra1/image_rect_raw/compressed sensor_msgs/CompressedImage 15
  /d455f/infra2/image_rect_raw/compressed sensor_msgs/CompressedImage 15
Microsoft Kinect for Azure /k4a/rgb/image_raw/compressed sensor_msgs/CompressedImage 15
  /k4a/depth/image_raw/compressedDepth sensor_msgs/CompressedImage 15
  /k4a/points2 sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 15
  /k4a/imu sensor_msgs/Imu 400
Livox Mid-360 /livox/imu sensor_msgs/Imu 400
  /livox/lidar livox_ros_driver2/CustomMsg 10

All image topics are compressed with the standard image_transport and depth_image_transport packages.


We distinguish intra-device calibration (camera intrinsics and camera-IMU extrinsics for all cameras of a single hardware device) and inter-device calibration (extrinsics relating one device’s sensor to another, be it LiDAR or camera). All calibration data is provided in the form of text and yaml files.

  • For intra-device calibration (camera intrinsics and camera-IMU extrinsics for a single hardware device), we rely on factory calibration data and the Kalibr toolbox.
  • For inter-device calibration, we use the target-less LiDAR-camera calibration toolbox proposed in Koide et al. (ICRA2023) and compute the transformation of each device’s IMU to the LiDAR’s coordinate frame. Users can then compute whichever transformation between all sensors of the platform.

Coordinate systems

The coordinate systems of all sensors in our platform are represented in the Figure below:


Note that the position of the axis systems in the Figure is approximate; the purpose is to give insight on the relative rotation between sensors.

For precise transformation, refer to the calibration files mentioned in the previous section.